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Tuesday 16 January 2018

Yellow Road Ohio Pass, Colorado

Yellow Road Ohio Pass, Colorado
Yellow Road Ohio Pass, Colorado
Ohio Pass, Colorado

  • Ohio Pass is a Mount Axtell gap in Gunnison County, Colorado, located one mile southeast of Kebler Pass. The Colorado Department of Transportation refers to the traversing road as Gunnison County Road 730. Wikipedia
  • Topo map: USGS Mount Axtell
  • Elevation: 10,065 ft (3,068 m)

Ohio Pass is a high mountain pass at an elevation of 0,080 feet (3.072 m) above the sea level, located in the Gunnison National Forest, in Colorado, USA.

The road over the pass is called Colorado Road 730, but also known as Gunnison County Road (GCR) 730 and Ohio Creek Road (former SH 341). The first eight miles are paved, the remainder gravel/dirt. It’s appropriate for automobiles except for extremely low clearance vehicles. Large RVs and boat trailers are not advised on the narrow portion near the top of the pass.

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